We are currently back in Fort Worth, TX for one week. We have been to Lawton, Denver, Lincoln (Nebraska), back to Lawton, and then here. We still have two more stops to make on our trip.
Something to look forward to: pictures! LOTS of pictures from our travels so far and also...video clips (at least one from each time we crossed a state line).
This week will provide us with absolutely no have to's as well as an awesome internet connection so I will most definitely be updating this baby.
hint: look at the labels for this post and you will get a small idea of what we've seen/done so far
okay, so it wouldn't let me post all of them but here they are (babies, denver, family, food, friends, fun, plans, tejas, travels, vacation, wildlife, okies, corn, badminton, competitive sports, injuries, sleep, driving, night life, cooking, dessert)
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